If you have ever struggled with gas, bloating, nutrient deficiencies, sluggish digestion, or feeling disconnected from your meals, mindful eating might just be the game-changer you need. By bringing awareness and intention to how you eat, you can support digestion, decrease bloating, increase nutrient absorption and actually enjoy your food more.
This is a free and effective tool I use with all of my clients, and also on myself. I struggled with stomach pain, gas, bloating, heartburn, IBS symptoms, fatigue, iron-deficiency anemia and a laundry list of other gut related issues for over a decade and one of the tools I used on my healing journey was focusing on chewing my food. Let’s dive into five simple, actionable mindful eating tips you can start using today to decrease bloating.

Activate Your Parasympathetic Nervous System with 3 Deep Breaths
Before you even take a bite, pause. Take three deep breaths to activate your parasympathetic nervous system aka “rest-and-digest". This small act helps shift your body out of the stress response (sympathetic nervous system) and into a relaxed state where digestion can function optimally.
Taking those three deep breaths signals to your body that it’s safe to focus on digesting your meal. When your parasympathetic nervous system is activated saliva production increases, stomach acid is activated and nutrients are better absorbed.
Minimize Distractions
How often do you eat standing up, in front of a screen, scrolling through your phone, or multitasking? Eating while distracted not only disconnects you from your meal and can lead to overeating and compromised digestion. Research shows that when we are not fully present with our food, we tend to eat faster, chew less, and miss important hunger and fullness cues.
Sit down, put the phone away and be present with your meal.
Chew 20 - 30 Times
This tip was a game-changer for me personally. Most of us chew a few times and swallow, barely breaking down our food. Chewing is step 1 in digestion, your saliva contains the first digestive enzymes your food will reach. The act of chewing also triggers the rest of the gastrointestinal system - the lower stomach muscles relax and the pancreas produces enzymes to help you digest your food.
Aim to chew each bite 20–30 times before swallowing.
Don't Drink Too Much With Your Meal
Drinking large amounts of water or any other beverage during meals can dilute stomach acid and digestive enzymes, which are essential for breaking down food. This can lead to bloating and slower digestion.
Instead, focus on sipping water throughout the day and limit your intake during meals. A few small sips are fine, but aim to drink the majority of your fluids between meals to support optimal digestion.
Mindful Eating Tips
Lastly, slow down. Eating too quickly can overwhelm your digestive system, leading to gas, bloating, and discomfort.
Some simple tips - sit down for a meal, take smaller bites, don't overload your fork, put your fork down in between bites and chew until the food has lost its texture. Pay attention to every bite—how does it look, smell, taste, and feel in your mouth?
Try Mindful Eating To Decrease Bloating Today
Mindful eating is a simple, free, and powerful tool to support digestion, reduce bloating, and help you reconnect with your meals. Pick one of these tips to try for a week and notice the difference it makes in how you feel. Start small, stay consistent. Looking for more tips to decrease bloating - check out this article here.
What’s one mindful eating practice you’re excited to try? Let me know in the comments below! If you would like more personalized support optimize digestion, let's chat! Book a free strategy session where we can discuss your health goals and actionable steps to get you feeling better today - book your free strategy session here.